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Sprint #26: Terrain.Сейчас на сайте 0 посетителей
История 2.0
История 1.0



Здравствуйте,  Anonymous

Тема: raw заселениеСписок тем

RomanRom2 ··· 08.06.2007, 11:51
информация от 26.06.2007:

- список карт и зон получен из dbc клиента 2.1.0
- обработаны снифы:
2.0.6: 1.15 гб
2.0.8: 0.94 гб
2.0.10: 1.71 гб
2.0.12: 4.2 гб
2.1.0: 0.71 гб
2.1.1: 0.79 гб
dbc_area_table.map AS map_id,
dbc_map.name AS map_name,
dbc_area_table.id AS zone_id,
dbc_area_table.name AS zone_name,
FROM world_spawn
WHERE world_spawn.map=dbc_area_table.map AND world_spawn.zone=dbc_area_table.id
) AS spawns
FROM dbc_area_table, dbc_map
WHERE dbc_area_table.parent_zone=0 AND dbc_area_table.map=dbc_map.id
ORDER BY dbc_area_table.map, dbc_area_table.id;

| map_id | map_name | zone_id | zone_name | spawns |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 1 | Dun Morogh | 23123 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 3 | Badlands | 6281 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 4 | Blasted Lands | 3818 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 8 | Swamp of Sorrows | 8275 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 10 | Duskwood | 25523 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 11 | Wetlands | 32238 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 12 | Elwynn Forest | 65931 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 21 | Kul Tiras | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 25 | Blackrock Mountain | 1939 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 28 | Western Plaguelands | 7959 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 30 | Nine | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 33 | Stranglethorn Vale | 62594 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 36 | Alterac Mountains | 7702 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 38 | Loch Modan | 7567 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 40 | Westfall | 35480 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 41 | Deadwind Pass | 5572 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 44 | Redridge Mountains | 16573 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 45 | Arathi Highlands | 24716 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 46 | Burning Steppes | 14165 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 47 | The Hinterlands | 13661 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 51 | Searing Gorge | 17932 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 85 | Tirisfal Glades | 20367 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 130 | Silverpine Forest | 6405 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 139 | Eastern Plaguelands | 9117 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 170 | Lordamere Lake | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 214 | The Great Sea | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 267 | Hillsbrad Foothills | 19256 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 269 | Dun Algaz | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 276 | UNUSED Stonewrought Pass | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 293 | Thoradin's Wall | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 296 | South Seas UNUSED | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 308 | The Forbidding Sea | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 330 | Thandol Span | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 408 | Gillijim's Isle | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 409 | Island of Doctor Lapidis | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 495 | DELETE ME | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 1497 | Undercity | 9966 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 1519 | Stormwind City | 115081 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 1537 | Ironforge | 28246 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 1579 | Unused The Deadmines 002 | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 2037 | Quel'thalas | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 2280 | UNUSED Stratholme | 0 |
| 0 | Eastern Kingdoms | 3459 | City | 0 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 14 | Durotar | 22355 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 15 | Dustwallow Marsh | 17522 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 16 | Azshara | 8243 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 17 | The Barrens | 30823 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 141 | Teldrassil | 21823 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 148 | Darkshore | 29278 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 215 | Mulgore | 4623 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 331 | Ashenvale | 23715 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 332 | The Great Sea | 0 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 357 | Feralas | 10090 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 361 | Felwood | 9127 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 377 | Southfury River | 0 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 400 | Thousand Needles | 5708 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 405 | Desolace | 15868 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 406 | Stonetalon Mountains | 2306 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 440 | Tanaris | 30837 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 457 | The Veiled Sea | 94 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 490 | Un'Goro Crater | 9200 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 493 | Moonglade | 5441 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 616 | Hyjal | 0 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 618 | Winterspring | 8926 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 876 | GM Island | 0 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 1196 | UNUSEDAlcaz Island | 0 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 1377 | Silithus | 1166 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 1637 | Orgrimmar | 19813 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 1638 | Thunder Bluff | 812 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 1657 | Darnassus | 37436 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 1941 | Caverns of Time | 0 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 2159 | Onyxia's Lair | 21 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 2917 | Hall of Legends | 22 |
| 1 | Kalimdor | 3478 | Gates of Ahn'Qiraj | 0 |
| 13 | Testing | 3817 | Testing | 0 |
| 30 | Alterac Valley | 2597 | Alterac Valley | 7420 |
| 33 | Shadowfang Keep | 209 | Shadowfang Keep | 2201 |
| 34 | Stormwind Stockade | 717 | The Stockade | 2769 |
| 36 | Deadmines | 206 | UNUSED Westfall | 0 |
| 36 | Deadmines | 207 | The Great Sea | 0 |
| 36 | Deadmines | 208 | Unused Ironcladcove | 0 |
| 36 | Deadmines | 1581 | The Deadmines | 17700 |
| 37 | Azshara Crater | 268 | Azshara Crater | 0 |
| 43 | Wailing Caverns | 718 | Wailing Caverns | 5057 |
| 47 | Razorfen Kraul | 491 | Razorfen Kraul | 4009 |
| 48 | Blackfathom Deeps | 719 | Blackfathom Deeps | 4068 |
| 70 | Uldaman | 1337 | Uldaman | 19426 |
| 90 | Gnomeregan | 721 | Gnomeregan | 12759 |
| 109 | Sunken Temple | 1417 | Sunken Temple | 0 |
| 109 | Sunken Temple | 1477 | The Temple of Atal'Hakkar | 28078 |
| 129 | Razorfen Downs | 722 | Razorfen Downs | 16794 |
| 169 | Emerald Dream | 956 | The Verdant Fields | 0 |
| 169 | Emerald Dream | 1397 | Emerald Forest | 0 |
| 189 | Scarlet Monastery | 796 | Scarlet Monastery | 10918 |
| 209 | Zul'Farrak | 1176 | Zul'Farrak | 20596 |
| 229 | Blackrock Spire | 1583 | Blackrock Spire | 8658 |
| 230 | Blackrock Depths | 1584 | Blackrock Depths | 24012 |
| 269 | Opening of the Dark Portal | 2366 | The Black Morass | 15085 |
| 289 | Scholomance | 2057 | Scholomance | 11116 |
| 309 | Zul'Gurub | 1977 | Zul'Gurub | 8145 |
| 329 | Stratholme | 2017 | Stratholme | 5177 |
| 349 | Maraudon | 2100 | Maraudon | 16237 |
| 369 | Deeprun Tram | 2257 | Deeprun Tram | 594 |
| 389 | Ragefire Chasm | 2437 | Ragefire Chasm | 16 |
| 409 | Molten Core | 2717 | Molten Core | 4792 |
| 429 | Dire Maul | 2557 | Dire Maul | 3341 |
| 449 | Alliance PVP Barracks | 2918 | Champions' Hall | 33 |
| 451 | Development Land | 22 | Programmer Isle | 0 |
| 451 | Development Land | 65 | Reuse Me 3 | 0 |
| 451 | Development Land | 66 | Reuse Me 6 | 0 |
| 451 | Development Land | 67 | Reuse Me 5 | 0 |
| 451 | Development Land | 151 | Designer Island | 0 |
| 451 | Development Land | 210 | Reuse Me 2 | 0 |
| 451 | Development Land | 394 | Darrowmere Lake UNUSED | 0 |
| 451 | Development Land | 2817 | Reuse Me 4 | 0 |
| 451 | Development Land | 3711 | Reuse Me | 0 |
| 451 | Development Land | 3948 | Brian and Pat Test | 0 |
| 469 | Blackwing Lair | 2677 | Blackwing Lair | 216 |
| 489 | Warsong Gulch | 3277 | Warsong Gulch | 7889 |
| 509 | Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj | 3429 | Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj | 1237 |
| 529 | Arathi Basin | 3358 | Arathi Basin | 2324 |
| 530 | Outland | 3430 | Eversong Woods | 26038 |
| 530 | Outland | 3433 | Ghostlands | 12061 |
| 530 | Outland | 3455 | The North Sea | 5 |
| 530 | Outland | 3479 | The Veiled Sea | 0 |
| 530 | Outland | 3483 | Hellfire Peninsula | 98795 |
| 530 | Outland | 3487 | Silvermoon City | 1932 |
| 530 | Outland | 3518 | Nagrand | 49558 |
| 530 | Outland | 3519 | Terokkar Forest | 89643 |
| 530 | Outland | 3520 | Shadowmoon Valley | 124779 |
| 530 | Outland | 3521 | Zangarmarsh | 73662 |
| 530 | Outland | 3522 | Blade's Edge Mountains | 38608 |
| 530 | Outland | 3523 | Netherstorm | 74542 |
| 530 | Outland | 3524 | Azuremyst Isle | 17321 |
| 530 | Outland | 3525 | Bloodmyst Isle | 8432 |
| 530 | Outland | 3537 | REUSE | 0 |
| 530 | Outland | 3540 | Twisting Nether | 13 |
| 530 | Outland | 3557 | The Exodar | 1767 |
| 530 | Outland | 3607 | Serpentshrine Cavern | 0 |
| 530 | Outland | 3703 | Shattrath City | 56342 |
| 530 | Outland | 3917 | Auchindoun | 0 |
| 531 | Ahn'Qiraj Temple | 3428 | Ahn'Qiraj | 0 |
| 532 | Karazhan | 3457 | Karazhan | 30458 |
| 532 | Karazhan | 3477 | Karazhan *UNUSED* | 0 |
| 533 | Naxxramas | 3456 | Naxxramas | 170 |
| 534 | The Battle for Mount Hyjal | 3606 | Hyjal Summit | 0 |
| 540 | Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls | 3535 | Hellfire Citadel | 0 |
| 540 | Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls | 3714 | The Shattered Halls | 20016 |
| 542 | Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace | 3713 | The Blood Furnace | 2716 |
| 543 | Hellfire Citadel: Ramparts | 3562 | Hellfire Ramparts | 5496 |
| 544 | Magtheridon's Lair | 3836 | Magtheridon's Lair | 667 |
| 545 | Coilfang: The Steamvault | 3715 | The Steamvault | 13775 |
| 546 | Coilfang: The Underbog | 3716 | The Underbog | 15863 |
| 547 | Coilfang: The Slave Pens | 3717 | The Slave Pens | 7668 |
| 550 | Tempest Keep | 3845 | Tempest Keep | 0 |
| 552 | Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz | 3848 | The Arcatraz | 8728 |
| 553 | Tempest Keep: The Botanica | 3847 | The Botanica | 6156 |
| 554 | Tempest Keep: The Mechanar | 3849 | The Mechanar | 9918 |
| 555 | Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth | 3789 | Shadow Labyrinth | 16186 |
| 556 | Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls | 3791 | Sethekk Halls | 5855 |
| 557 | Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs | 3792 | Mana-Tombs | 7973 |
| 558 | Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts | 3790 | Auchenai Crypts | 1965 |
| 559 | Nagrand Arena | 3698 | Nagrand Arena | 283 |
| 560 | The Escape From Durnholde | 2367 | Old Hillsbrad Foothills | 6853 |
| 560 | The Escape From Durnholde | 3605 | Hyjal Past | 0 |
| 562 | Blade's Edge Arena | 3702 | Blade's Edge Arena | 265 |
| 564 | Black Temple | 3959 | Black Temple | 0 |
| 565 | Gruul's Lair | 3923 | Gruul's Lair | 525 |
| 566 | Eye of the Storm | 3820 | Eye of the Storm | 3632 |
| 568 | Zul'Aman | 3805 | Zul'Aman | 0 |
| 572 | Ruins of Lordaeron | 3968 | Ruins of Lordaeron | 279 |
171 rows in set (8 min 41.72 sec)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM world_spawn;
| COUNT(*) |
| 2012809 |
1 row in set (1.31 sec)
RomanRom2 ··· 26.06.2007, 17:28
и загрузил я мир:
26.06.2007, 17:08:56: Loading World [0] Eastern Kingdoms () ...
26.06.2007, 17:10:20: 0594572 SpawnPoints
26.06.2007, 17:12:16: 0609939 SpawnPointItems

26.06.2007, 17:12:18: Loading World [1] Kalimdor () ...
26.06.2007, 17:13:12: 0317133 SpawnPoints
26.06.2007, 17:14:18: 0323868 SpawnPointItems

26.06.2007, 17:14:19: Loading World [369] Deeprun Tram () ...
26.06.2007, 17:14:26: 0000594 SpawnPoints
26.06.2007, 17:14:27: 0000600 SpawnPointItems

26.06.2007, 17:14:27: Loading World [530] Outland () ...
26.06.2007, 17:15:36: 0673503 SpawnPoints
26.06.2007, 17:18:24: 0707377 SpawnPointItems

в общей сложности 0609939 + 0323868 + 0000600 + 0707377 = 1641784 юнитов. один миллион шестьсот сорок одна тысяча.

памяти съело 579484 килобайт, из которых 90000 примерно под респонсы и справочники.

итог: четыреста восемдесят мегабайт памяти на миллион шестьсот тысяч юнитов.
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:05688.WoWScrnShot_070307_013700.jpg - 321118 байт   688.WoWScrnShot_070307_013612.jpg - 381326 байт   
вошел в мир :-D)))))))))
начальная людей и прилегающие территории. хорошо видно группы мобов. на самом деле это один моб, только отснифан в разное время.
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:05689.WoWScrnShot_070307_013802.jpg - 340525 байт   689.WoWScrnShot_070307_013739.jpg - 332523 байт   
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:05690.WoWScrnShot_070307_013959.jpg - 309807 байт   690.WoWScrnShot_070307_013913.jpg - 230836 байт   
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:06691.WoWScrnShot_070307_014154.jpg - 261388 байт   691.WoWScrnShot_070307_014037.jpg - 358721 байт   
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:07692.WoWScrnShot_070307_014518.jpg - 321619 байт   692.WoWScrnShot_070307_014513.jpg - 275506 байт   
вестфалл. хорошо видны вейпоинты аниматоров в гостинице.
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:07693.WoWScrnShot_070307_014525.jpg - 303682 байт   693.WoWScrnShot_070307_014522.jpg - 322162 байт   
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:08694.WoWScrnShot_070307_014534.jpg - 266592 байт   694.WoWScrnShot_070307_014528.jpg - 275571 байт   
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:08695.WoWScrnShot_070307_014748.jpg - 293891 байт   695.WoWScrnShot_070307_014636.jpg - 305455 байт   
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:09696.WoWScrnShot_070307_014914.jpg - 221182 байт   696.WoWScrnShot_070307_014836.jpg - 271574 байт   
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:10697.WoWScrnShot_070307_015001.jpg - 291680 байт   
у дварфов в этом месте как обычно вообщем
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:11698.WoWScrnShot_070307_015237.jpg - 363378 байт   698.WoWScrnShot_070307_015157.jpg - 271244 байт   
и самое интересное - IronForge. еле зашел :)
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:11699.WoWScrnShot_070307_015442.jpg - 496990 байт   699.WoWScrnShot_070307_015414.jpg - 493499 байт   
RomanRom2 ··· 03.07.2007, 02:11700.WoWScrnShot_070307_015535.jpg - 577179 байт   
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